Documents of Nemoforum

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  • in RTF.ZIP format, entire document in Czech "Conditions of accessibility and usability of geodata provided and managed by public administration bodies and authorities of the Czech Republic" (in Czech) – an analytical study prepared for Nemoforum by the team of CAGI. The Study was formally accepted by the Nemoforum Plenum in May 2004 in RTF.ZIP format (entire document in Czech).
  • in PDF format National Geoinformation Infrastructure of the Czech Republic - Programme for the years 2001 – 2005 – the document prepared by the NGII working group was the first significant result of Nemoforum activities. In September 2001 it was accepted by the former Governmental Council for State Information Policy as a background material for updating the Action plan of SIP realisation in PDF format.

Date of last update: 21.09.2018